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Investor FAQ

What is MIG?

We are based out of Atlanta, Georgia. MIG is a private investment company with the objective of hard money lending and private equity.

For the last ten years, Millenium Investment Group has been providing hard money loans and funding to individuals and businesses who normally would not seek or qualify for conventional bank financing.

We are a group of established private investors with a combined experience level of 80 years. We work together in a broker capacity with a select group of other investors and borrowers. MIG has developed dozens of connections with other key lenders and investors, and have become one of the most reliable and reputable sources of hard money in the Atlanta area.

To date, we have executed over 225+ projects involving around $450 million dollars.

We continue to receive proposals on a regular basis and we usually engage in 2 to 3 deals out of every 10 that come our way.

MIG consists of 3 managing directors out of a management team of 6. We also have 72 general members who have invested into the general investment pool who own units in the company.

Why is MIG a good source of capital for businesses?

Current economic conditions have severely limited the amount of funds banks are willing to lend. For instance, banks are hardly lending any money to the hospitality industry. This has created an opportunity for us to step in as a trusted capital partner.

We are quick to act and can usually fund within 3 to 14 days. We can act quickly because we have an experienced management team and we have the capacity of raising funds in a timely manner.

Most of our activities have been in industries such as hotels, gas stations, dry cleaners, liquor stores, doctor’s offices, and real estate developments.

What is the primary goal of MIG?

Our goal is safety and stability with better than market return for investors.

With our business activities, we seek a short term loan horizon with most agreements expiring within one to two years and obtain as much collateral as necessary to limit counter party risk.

How do you mitigate risk within your investments?

We obtain financial and/or physical collateral with every loan deal to protect the principal amount loaned. For example, if we lend money to a doctor who is seeking to purchase x-ray machines, we will secure the personal guarantee of the doctor’s total net worth as well having the x-ray machines themselves placed as collateral and any other real assets for adequate collateral in order to enhance our safety of the deal.

What does a typical deal looks like?

In Portland, a borrower owed his bank $3.3 million dollars on a 53x room motel and was unable to meet the obligation. We found another investor who wanted to buy the bank note outright for $2.2 million. He had about a million dollars of his own and requested to MIG for $1.1 million.

We raised the capital to help him buy out the bank note, and we used the motel as collateral to protect the investment in the form of a FIRST LIEN.

Come talk to us if you’re in a similar situation with a bank. We have expertise in negotiating with banks to buy out bank notes at a discounted price.

Another deal:

One of our projects involves a proposal from a real estate developer who wanted to take advantage of a government program to limit the number of foreclosed houses in the Atlanta area.As you know, one of the key things we look for is SECURITY. In this program, the city of Altanta would provide half the funds to buy a foreclosed house with us, MIG, providing the other half. We would then fix the house and get it back on the market.But the great thing about this program was that if the house sold at a price below our costs and expenses, then the city would be the first to take the hit. We would have little chance of losing any money at all. We made our money by lending money to the real estate developer to buy the house and ended up earning around 11% net return after expenses.

This program involved the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) created under the National Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

What are some of the legal aspects of your deals that you are careful about?

For one thing, we have a practicing attorney on the board. He has a great deal of understanding of the legal aspects of business closings. We do a tremendous amount of due diligence not only on the property in question but on the borrower as well.

The main line of effort in the legal sense, is ensuring that our paperwork is sufficient should we have to go to court for whatever reason. It’s about recovering the collateral if necessary.

How can a new investor join MIG?

We have three programs that we run within MIG. Contact us to find out which program suits you best.

First, we have a Friends and Family program where friends and family of a current MIG member can invest money and be guaranteed a fixed return regardless of the outcome of any our investments. This has been quite popular with many of our members. But a new person has to know a current member; we are accepting new funds under this program at this time.

We have another set of funds called “PROJECT RISK” where investors do not necessarily have to be a MIG member but can invest on a project basis. They share in the risk of the investment but stand to earn at least a double digit return.

Third is to become a MIG member, but unfortunately at this time this opportunity is not open.

Other Considerations: